First things first, if you havent already go and leave beautiful comments for this beautiful woman..
Im doing okay, i mentioned id gained weight over the weekend, well its gone again, i just couldnt handle it and have been compulsively exercising
I feel okay, just a bit down and out the last few days. Its my fourth day off pot and im glad, it was causing me so much anxiety, it was like i was using it as punishment, i dont need that, im punishing myself enough in other ways. Im back to other old habits also, one i particulary dont like but am finding it somewhat soothing at this point.
I had a therapy session with my mother and boyfriend yesterday arvo, went good. I think it was really good for my bf especially, just to hear stuff from a trained professional and not just from me, made it seem all a bit more legit.
And heres some flicks, me and my pup

Im doing okay, i mentioned id gained weight over the weekend, well its gone again, i just couldnt handle it and have been compulsively exercising

I had a therapy session with my mother and boyfriend yesterday arvo, went good. I think it was really good for my bf especially, just to hear stuff from a trained professional and not just from me, made it seem all a bit more legit.
And heres some flicks, me and my pup

Glad u keep out of that made me shake so bad...until my doc forbid that as well.....
last time i had a lil' coca cola my heart beat razed like i had tons of coffee...i thought wtf...
i get with pot and caffeine u got ur lil speedballs... thats what i did when i sneaked tons of xanax and i mixed with litters of cocacola.. u are a mix of conditions...and yeee..ain't no good