Tonight myself and my mother are going to the circus, front row exciting Except for the fact theres a billion tonne elephant going to be a little too close for comfort. Please Mrs elephant dont get mad and charge into the crowd..and if you do, do it away from us.
So i went to the hairdresser on Wednesday afternoon. My hair isnt the red i wanted it, its going to take time considering my hair was too dark to lighten right up in one go, so this is what it looks like for the next 6 weeks.
I like it ..excuse the no make up.
In 6 weeks i want it this color...
Obviously thats the beautiul Vice, one of the woman that has inspired me to embrace my natural color !
So everyone should go leave hot comments on her latest set, god shes stunning
I have added some new images into my "Anorexia" folder.Heres the linky..
The last few days i havent been feelig too flash, ill right through every part of my abdomen,a migraine and just plain exhausted. Apparently a bug is going around so im going to put it down to that.
If you havent yet,please leave some love on my set in MR. I relaise it isnt going to go live, but comments are still awesome
Today it has been 6 days since i last had any narcotics.I feel better mentally definately, obviously not physically due to the bug, but i know its worth staying away from the likes of Marijuana and Speed. Im not going to lie i do miss it, and its hard to resist when its around so often, but i have done it for 6 days now. I have proved i can do it.
In regards to my Anorexia. I have been ok Havent weighed myself in half a week, im finding the number impacting mydays far too much now days so am avoiding knowing it for as long as i can. I have lost only about a pound in the past nothing too much happening there. I was given some anxiety meds by my Psychiatrist on Monday which have been amazing. Anxiety is a huge issue for me, so being so cool, calm and collected has been really nice. However he only gave me a few, they will run out in a few days, then what...
Sometimes it feels like my life is one big theme park ride...that i want off.
The only journey is the journey within.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Thank you very much for commenting on my set! I know, i need to shoot a new one with better quality and that will happen next month!!
PS.: Let me know, how circus has been! I was not at a circus lots of years ago
I hope, you enjoyed it!
Greetings Silly K