I am finished. The essay that is
Oh so glad and relieved, now just got to get ready for this exam next week and im set. I feel good today, feel alot more r e l a x e d and happy !
My best friend is leaving town next week to return to study in another city, all my other friends have left. Lonely...
I mean i still have friends down here and stuff, but i just dont feel the same love and connection with them as with these others..i just hope it doesnt make me want to withdraw anymore.
Valentines Day on Saturday, its not as big of a deal in New Zealand as it is in America. i personally think its dumb, you should spoil and treat your significant other like that every day, not just Feb the 14th every year, so i dont really plan on doing anything super duper.
My hands are frozen, i need gloves, but trying to find any in the middle of sunner is a little impossible..
Right im at work and should be doing my duties..ha...so hope everyones well and if you havent go leave a smart ass comment on my set in member review

My best friend is leaving town next week to return to study in another city, all my other friends have left. Lonely...

Valentines Day on Saturday, its not as big of a deal in New Zealand as it is in America. i personally think its dumb, you should spoil and treat your significant other like that every day, not just Feb the 14th every year, so i dont really plan on doing anything super duper.
My hands are frozen, i need gloves, but trying to find any in the middle of sunner is a little impossible..
Right im at work and should be doing my duties..ha...so hope everyones well and if you havent go leave a smart ass comment on my set in member review

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Glad you finished the essay. I wish I could be on the computer and my job, but I spend a lot of time being exceptionally cold in the freezer. Have a great weekend!