Ok, apparently I should not be driving. About 30 min ago I am coming home from helping Bill pick up his car that had a flat tire. I am rideing in the lane next to him to make sure the car is ok, and we are going 45 in a 40 zone. Then this white volvo comes speeding up on us both and rides our asses for a while, and about a half mile before the road splits with one lane and crossing a bridge and the other continuing straight, I get into the same lane as Bill to cross the bridge. This ass hole comes speeding up on us and passes me and trys to cut me off, but clips the front bumper of the car, then stops in the middle of the bridge and starts screaming at me, so I yell back and he drives away. So he happens to be going the same way as me and stops at the first red light and gets out of his car and comes at me with a knife. So I tell him that I have a gun( I left it at home really though, stupid me) and he should get back in his car. Well he goes to his trunk and said he was getting his and starts to pull out what i assume to be a gun of his own. Well Bill was right behind me, and he is now out of his car and has his hand on his gun and tells the guy that he has 30sec to get in his car and leave before he catches a 357 round between the eyes, so the asshole gets puts whatever he was getting out of his trunk back and yells some more and gets in his car. I go around him and leave. I get home and call the cops to report the accident and wait for them to show up. It happens to be a friend of mine that comes. When I explain what happened, he tells me that someone had called and reported the incident with the knife and gun already and they were looking for the asshole already, so I gave them his plate number and off the cop went. He said he would find a reason to pull this guy over and search his car to find the gun and arrest him.

No offence taken