Update: It is like 3 in the morning, I have downed the better half of a bottle of Captin' thinking it would help me forget what I want to forget, but it has only made it worse.
I start my new job on Monday, yay for me. I will have a steady income and will never be far from home. I am expecting to get... Read More
So whats up all? I am over my blues for the moment and feeling pretty good. I have ecided to try and start dateing, but I have no idea how to. I dont want to sound like an old fart, but this shit is hard. I dont have any clue what to do. I don't go out too much, so that makes things harder.
Update: Thank you babygirl so much for the gift membership!
I so have no idea what is going on in my life.
I am lost looking for happiness.
Can anyone tell me where to find it?
I have been going nuts on the inside the past week or more.
I want to let it all out but have no one who will listen.
I want... Read More
I am back for a few more hours. It sucks being away from home for 5 days at a time, and then getting exactly 48 hours off. It gives me no time to do the things I want to. So how has everyone been?
I am so bored and not looking forward to going to work on Tuesday. It will be my first time driving on my own, and it is not the driving that makes me nervous, it is finding all the places I have to go to. I have to map the routes out on my own and find these places. Oh well, I guess it is... Read More
From what I hear, one of the best places to go off-road is in Hazleton PA, its called Paragon Adventure Park. Im supposed to meet a buddy of mine there this spring, Ill let you know how it is. Im not sure how close you are to that, its about a 7 hour drive for us...........Paco
I am home for a little while again. I hope everyone is doing well. I go out on my own for the first time on Tuesday. Wish me luck. I am delivering to Wal-Mart stores for right now, so it is not alot of fun. Man will I be bored.
So tell me your favorite thing to do at Wal-Mart other than shop. The funnier... Read More
lets see...
i like to either the standard hide and go seek
or the who can find the stupidest thing in a minute or less game
when you've got people running through the aisles at 3.30 am trying to find useless shit and make it back the home base in 60 seconds, you're bound to get kicked out
and if not, racing tricycles through electronics will