I was tagged by the ever so beautiful @cheshire_ and the sweet @digitalsol thanks for thinking of me guys 🥰🥰
Age: 38 for a couple more months
* Favorite pie: Cookie pies go to dessert in our house with either ice cream or custard
* Steak or seafood: Steak I guess I don't eat seafood and usually steak is too much meat for me
* Pepsi or Coke: Coke, but I don't overly enjoy either, I love me a good juice
* Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla, but prefer banana flavored stuffs
* How many tattoos: too many to count these days I only have some space on my torso
* Ever hit a deer: nope ner hit a deer but not usually an issue in Australia kangaroos on the other hand have to watch out for them everyday on my way to work and home, sometimes even during the day with being a crane driver in the barossa(wine country)
* Last text from: my daughter it was her 16th birthday on Friday
* Favorite season: Summer I prefer heat over cold
* Broken Bones: many phalanges can't even bend my toes anymore 😂
* Favorite Color: Black for my clothes pastels for my hair 🥰
* Mountains or Beaches: I do love both spend more time bush rather than the beach though
* Dogs or cat: dogs initially, but I do have a cat now also that found me at work when it was about 3 weeks old she just turned 1 year last month
* Early morning person: definitely early morning person I get up at 4am to go to the gym before work everyday
* Favorite Holiday: Easter, love love love chocolate
* Favorite flower: cactus it's the only thing I can grow successfully 😂
* Beer or wine: neither, but I do a lot of work in wineries
* Pancakes or waffle: pancakes, I am lucky to have a very good pancake restaurant just up the road from my house 😍😋
* Sign: Libra not at all balanced though 😂
I have no idea who to tag as I haven't been on to see who has already done it 😂 sorry