marijuana is a gateway drug. fine.
can we all agree, then, that christianity is a gateway psychosis and treat it as such. when else, in life, is it okay to say that an invisible man is watching and happy when you get married but angry when you're gay? when you're a christian of course.
in fact, you can say or do any crazy thing that comes to mind as long as you follow it with a, "but i'm a good, moral christian."
religion is good on paper. but people make it ugly. if someone hits me with a hammer i do not blame the hammer. it is only a tool.
what have we learned today? people suck. especially taylor rain. she takes it like a champ.

can we all agree, then, that christianity is a gateway psychosis and treat it as such. when else, in life, is it okay to say that an invisible man is watching and happy when you get married but angry when you're gay? when you're a christian of course.
in fact, you can say or do any crazy thing that comes to mind as long as you follow it with a, "but i'm a good, moral christian."
religion is good on paper. but people make it ugly. if someone hits me with a hammer i do not blame the hammer. it is only a tool.
what have we learned today? people suck. especially taylor rain. she takes it like a champ.

See? You are gay...the only person posting on your shit is me.