obviously the american people can't, or aren't willing to, get rid of bush. it's now up to the other countries of the world to come get him. i don't care who does it. but it needs to be done. bush did it in iraq. they invaded a country that never attacked america and plucked out the leader. why can't someone do that for us. come on russia, i know you want to! europe, i'm lookin at you. someone over there must want a little revenge. george bush is a war criminal and a violent hypocrite. it's time we hold our leaders accountable. i know that most of the country hides behind the flag believing we are incapable of doing wrong, claiming that the michael moores of the world hate the country for saying we're wrong. that is disgusting and so is this president.
george bush claims that now is a time for healing. that we need to come together and except this deplorable outcome. this isn't a football game. we won't just "get over it". its time for civil war. i would sooner go to war in texas than iraq. let these conservatives have their own country where they can regress to the dark ages. where there is no seperation between religion and politics. leave them to their sugar coated hatred they call "morals". let them in-breed into oblivion. give us our own country. where we are free to excercise logic and persue science. a place where true morals can exist (i.e. environmental issues and human rights). Religion does not equal moral and this has never been more clear. I don't want out of this country. I want THEM out of OUR country.
george bush claims that now is a time for healing. that we need to come together and except this deplorable outcome. this isn't a football game. we won't just "get over it". its time for civil war. i would sooner go to war in texas than iraq. let these conservatives have their own country where they can regress to the dark ages. where there is no seperation between religion and politics. leave them to their sugar coated hatred they call "morals". let them in-breed into oblivion. give us our own country. where we are free to excercise logic and persue science. a place where true morals can exist (i.e. environmental issues and human rights). Religion does not equal moral and this has never been more clear. I don't want out of this country. I want THEM out of OUR country.
No truer a word was spoken! Well put. I especially like your last comment. Do we drug them ,then move em? Its a strange phenomenon these 'Selective Morals'! http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0420-03.htm