My Fellow Americans:
What is it gonna take for you folks ta see what I really am?!?! Do I need to break into yer home, rape yer mother and then kill yer best friend right in front of yer stupid, pitifull, blind fucking faces!! I am evil incarnate!! The only thing worse then me is German people!!
Anyhow, I know what the problem is folks. Yer all pussies! Each and everyone one of you. Especially the ones that voted for me.... TWICE!!! HA HA HA
You can't stop me and you know it. Freedoms on the march motherfuckers and the terrorists will get you all!!
What is it gonna take for you folks ta see what I really am?!?! Do I need to break into yer home, rape yer mother and then kill yer best friend right in front of yer stupid, pitifull, blind fucking faces!! I am evil incarnate!! The only thing worse then me is German people!!
Anyhow, I know what the problem is folks. Yer all pussies! Each and everyone one of you. Especially the ones that voted for me.... TWICE!!! HA HA HA
You can't stop me and you know it. Freedoms on the march motherfuckers and the terrorists will get you all!!