The Fabulous Friends: Conservative Christian Groups' Least-Favorite
All-Star Cartoon.
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SpongeBob SquarePants had just finished soaking up Ernie's ejaculate when Bert walked in on them. "Ernie!" Bert exclaimed in a high-pitched, effeminate voice.

"It's not what you think, Bert," Ernie said, quickly zipping up his denim cutoffs.

Just then, He-Man came in, gripping his tumescent phallus with both hands....
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That was very amusing! tongue
my sides are split, so funny....great start to a monday morning tongue
This was on Craigslist, it reminds me of the little dumbshit skank I have to deal with at my job.

Co-Worker: The Little Idiot That Could

You: Where's New Orleans?
(no response)
Me: Did you just ask where New Orleans was?
You: Yes, but I take it back.

And so it goes. I often wonder if sitting so close to you in our...
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Best parts-

"I summon the courage to smike weakly and turn back to my dying computer. I instantly perk up to hear you talk of LSAT's and grad school and marrying rich. Yes! Law school is super! Go, flourish, litigate! "
My boy went to law school for a year, it got him out of the mid-west hell he grew up in, but it didn't take long for him to realize that his class was full of THESE kind of people:
"You studied Freud, fed sick children in Honduras, slept with an Italian twice your age, but then asked me how close Prague is to Czechoslovakia, if the World Series included the entire world and what I meant when I referred to "Big Brother."

King Ink
The Birthday Party

King ink strolls into town
He sniffs around

King ink kicks off his stink-boot
Sand and soot and dust and dirt and
Hes much bigger than you think
King ink
King ink
King ink
A wake up a king ink a get up a king ink a wake up a king ink
A get up a get up a get...
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here in the underbelly
of american culture:
the number eight

bow their heads in thier laps
they are so tired of fighting
women sit rigid and cold
our faces unwilling to give
we are so tired of fear

we're growing old
our fists in our faces
we'd just like to give up
for a little while, and float

there is no way to...
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i'm next in line after aural........wow, you were at that nurse show at the doug fir......i flew out from colorado and was sorta disappointed that it wasn't a full on performance, but i did get to meet him the next night and he signed all the new lp's for me........really cool guy............

i am in love with your city!!
My ol' man Clovesbud drove up with our friend from LA for the NWW weekend, now it seems you were there too! It's really sucky, but my best friend ehme was in town from Toronto, and she got really sick, so we couldn't go to the show with the other two. REALLY SUCKY. But Clovesy hooked up with jonnytrrrash and explored Portland together, and even got steve to call me to say hello, but I happened to be out (DAMNITDAMNDAMNDAMN). So it is a small world... small and surreal and beautiful.

Oh yeah, I remember why I came over to say hello in the first place... I loved what you wrote in that hater thread on the music board. wink
Hiya everbody!
My computer is totally fucked! It started during finals weeks when I had a really bad case of the flu. It decided to crash when I had just finished the first draft of my English final, and since I write on Word and not on paper, it was all LOST!!!!
But hey I still got a B. Goddammit.
Hopefully I've fixed this problem...
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I highly recommend doing whatever the fuck you want.

Whenever I've said 'hi'
because nothing is easy
to say, those times when
telling a lie would confuse
my memories and the truth
and the continuation of the
show wasn't circumspect;
when someone who grew
up and laughed, always at
me, isn't in earshot; faint,
'special' notions dwindle
when watched by the only
one-hundred percent natural
sythetic material. At those times
'hi' isn't enough.
I'm tired, I'd like to leave this place. But I couldn't leave without burning it down. I can't allow any evidence to get caught up in the wind, to flutter by finding me unprepared.
I can feel my flesh rotting. The heavy heat of its stench lies lazily in the air. I've stained the encircling area. it spreads out around me and eats at the...
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it's ok
just don't
wallow in your rejectedness
for too long
there are better things ahead

thanks for answering
my questions
i don't have herpes
why wouldn't you give me
your number? frown
i like to talk to people
it's ok though
i understand
i am not hairy or gross
you can look at my pics
i'm not

feel better