strange how my will be so strong and intense at one moment, and then by a few clumsy moves on your part, totally vanished and traceless when it be most important.
the foundations of my name, my idol are weak. only a breath of discontent, a whisper of discord, a hint of despair on the breeze, and the temple of my mind whips into flames.
my anger is sharp and fast. my mind catches on to a feeling and won't let it go. I am stubborn and merciless. I'll trip you up if you stop to smell the roses. your folly will lead you to a deep dark dank hole. beware. my eyes may see many things, or too little. but they choose to see the neurosis that my romantic heart longs for. the pain and the blood and the lonely sob of the night. the wild ghost who haunts you on the hills and trails. the tickling teasing taunting desire to jump off the edge. you long to know the end and the all. you long to enter and to own. but I will lead you farther than your cunning can keep you. I will build you a monument of love, and tear it down if you trust me. I am the art of mischief and murder. I am the song of pre-history.
Who am I?
the foundations of my name, my idol are weak. only a breath of discontent, a whisper of discord, a hint of despair on the breeze, and the temple of my mind whips into flames.
my anger is sharp and fast. my mind catches on to a feeling and won't let it go. I am stubborn and merciless. I'll trip you up if you stop to smell the roses. your folly will lead you to a deep dark dank hole. beware. my eyes may see many things, or too little. but they choose to see the neurosis that my romantic heart longs for. the pain and the blood and the lonely sob of the night. the wild ghost who haunts you on the hills and trails. the tickling teasing taunting desire to jump off the edge. you long to know the end and the all. you long to enter and to own. but I will lead you farther than your cunning can keep you. I will build you a monument of love, and tear it down if you trust me. I am the art of mischief and murder. I am the song of pre-history.
Who am I?
honestly I would rather not be single. Life seems to be much better when there is someone to share it with.