I can rarely say that without shuddering. It must be the California coming out. But I must be so lame because I am never here and have lost all of me dear darling friends. I am really sorry that I can never gab with you about close to meaningless bullshit. Unless my boyfriend is out for the night, and I decide I must drink half a bottle of port and whine until my horrible self esteem sends me to bed crying/masturbating until I fall asleep. But my man is neither out nor ignoring me lately. Hhhhmmmm I've got rug burn. . . . . . . . It seems that all friendships must be constant in order to be worthwhile undertakings. And I am sorely lacking in the bridge maintenance. I haven't been burning but I HAVE completely let those suckers fall under the weight of weather and time. sorry darlings. really.
Dammit where IS my thesaurus?
I wish I could go on a Roman Holiday . . .

I can rarely say that without shuddering. It must be the California coming out. But I must be so lame because I am never here and have lost all of me dear darling friends. I am really sorry that I can never gab with you about close to meaningless bullshit. Unless my boyfriend is out for the night, and I decide I must drink half a bottle of port and whine until my horrible self esteem sends me to bed crying/masturbating until I fall asleep. But my man is neither out nor ignoring me lately. Hhhhmmmm I've got rug burn. . . . . . . . It seems that all friendships must be constant in order to be worthwhile undertakings. And I am sorely lacking in the bridge maintenance. I haven't been burning but I HAVE completely let those suckers fall under the weight of weather and time. sorry darlings. really.
Dammit where IS my thesaurus?
I wish I could go on a Roman Holiday . . .

im almost finished another set of 3, ill let u know when i put them up...some drawins too... watch this space.
ta again, take it easy