this is a position of great unfamiliarity.
the love is new.
the trust has been building for seven years.
does her crazy match my crazy, or are we just comfortable enough with each other?
in the end, if we're both happy, does it matter?
No, it doesn't. If you're talking about what I believe you are, well, I find myself in a similar situation as of late. I'm finally letting myself feel for a friend (one I've had for nearly 20 years) the true feelings I have for her, feelings that I've been denying to myself for ages, and am in unfamiliar territory as well. For me, I don't know if it will work out, but for you? If true friendship can transition and survive to love, I would say not to question it, and to embrace it with as much passion as you can. It isn't everyone who finds love in this way, and those few I've met who have have always been the happiest I've found.
You are the only one who is to decide.