seems i have a kidney stone & infection. really not so fun. it's been bothering me for a couple weeks now and got so much worse today. i could not urinate, had to strain just to get a little to come out and it hurt so bad. my kidneys feel like they've been beaten on by mike tyson. they gave me a very strong antibiotic by i.v. and dilaudid by i.v., which is the only good thing about going to the hospital, good drugs ;). so they sent me home with more antibiotics and some pain meds. now i wait and see if it clears up.
i hate being sick. before i had diabetes i had a hell of an immune system, rarely got sick, if i got the flu it was for a day then i got over it. now it's not so good. i've had pneumonia 3 times in the last 2 years, so severe that twice i had to be put into a medical coma and placed on a ventilator for several days. i hope now that my diabetes is controlled my immune system will get stronger. i really hope so because i hate being sick.