Im just going to get straight tongue point.
I was supposed to be heading out later tonight to Camden for the Ballroom Blitz, but I've somehow managed to talk myself out of it.
Excuses such as "I'll have to drive as the trains stop running by 12" and "I have work in the morning".
It's a great night out, don't get me wrong.
And yes, the first time I went I didn't have work the next day, so that wasn't an issue.
The trouble is, I get like this even when there's something a lot closer to home like just going to my local pub.
I end up feeling crappy for not going and even really regret staying at home some times.
One thing's for sure. I will not be missing the Blackheart Burlesque in September!
I've got my VIP ticket and I'll be pulling a sickie at work(if I'm still at the same job by then).
To all the girls performing tonight, I'm sorry I'll be missing tonight, but I will see you in September.