For some reason I feel super weird for this, although I have no reason to, but I decided to make an Amazon Wish list. I figured why not; a few people had asked and my birthday is coming up. Its just clothes, books, and sex toys. At the very least it'll give you better insight as to who I am as a human. I've been wanting to send out some instax too if that's something that would be of interest? Thanks to @dk I have an awesome new camera I've been dying to use. Enjoy!
Also something special for SG Land:
Love you all,
Why feel weird about it? I have a wishlist myself, that is published to a public page. Tons of people I follow have them. If you have even 1 follower, than 1 person may be willing to buy you stuff off your wishlist to see you use it or perform with it. I.e. clothing, art supplies, in my case, musical stuff.. It benefits all interested parties. And you're not forcing anyone to buy anything. 😉👍🏾
And thanks for the exclusive shots 👌🏾