I haven't done a blog homework topic in so long I suck. Usually I just ramble about whatevs so I decided to switch it up. @bloghomework @lyxzen @rambo @missy
Life would be sooo much easier if we previously knew what we know now. Easiest way to deal is learn from every situation, and take things as they come. There is one thing in particular though that I think we all need to learn ASAP.
LOVE YOUR DAMN SELF AND KNOW WHAT YOU DESERVE. In every way possible, in every situation. I wish I had sooner, I'm glad I finally do, but I still have a ways to go. Never ever ever ever settle.
I feel like this is a solid start to making shit happen in your life because with self-love comes confidence, with that, comes positivity, and with a positive, gracious mind you can do anything (or whatever order you want to put it in).
Seems pretty basic and obvious so why do we all struggle? Does the struggle ever really end? Either way, the sooner you can start the better, because you deserve it. It'll encourage you to lift those up around you, and who couldn't use more of those people around?
As surly and snarky as I can be, I try to have this mindset. Self-awareness overall is important but above all, love who you are no matter what anyone else has to say about it. Live and let live ya know?