yay i have a house to live in come july when i get kicked out of my halls! ok it may be the shittiest house in the world n smell kinda strange but its better than livin out of a cardboard box.
i just spent 8quid on paper... why would i do that? i guess i (and my bank balance) have to suffer for my art. and since ive now spent money on materials its an incentive for me to actually do some work. deadline next week arg i have 1 week to make it look like ive done 10 weeks of work...
i was super-impressed with myself yesterday. i didnt want to go out last night so... i didnt go. this is a big thing for me i have a problem saying no to people which sucks cos it means i always wind up being taken advantage of, and when i try to rebel and say no people always take it as a personal attack damn them. damn them all. but im going out tonight even though its raining and i have period pains. and its a lame assed trendy night, but drinks are only a quid so i cant complain, but my melon-fucking-ex works there so its not good, but i get to get drunk and laugh at all the scary-orange-skin-mini-skirt-and-heels girls dancing badly to terrible terrible 90s "old-skool" music. and wht does someone alweays turn up dressed in scool uniform? i had a friend (male) who went to a school disco style party dressed as a dinner lady that was cool. he had a hair net and bad glasses and everything.
im gonna go sort out my mountain of laundry before it takes over my room and im drowned in stinky socks n soiled shirts, and no one realises its happened for 3 weeks until i start leaking thru the cieling downstairs. its a pressing matter, it really is....
i just spent 8quid on paper... why would i do that? i guess i (and my bank balance) have to suffer for my art. and since ive now spent money on materials its an incentive for me to actually do some work. deadline next week arg i have 1 week to make it look like ive done 10 weeks of work...
i was super-impressed with myself yesterday. i didnt want to go out last night so... i didnt go. this is a big thing for me i have a problem saying no to people which sucks cos it means i always wind up being taken advantage of, and when i try to rebel and say no people always take it as a personal attack damn them. damn them all. but im going out tonight even though its raining and i have period pains. and its a lame assed trendy night, but drinks are only a quid so i cant complain, but my melon-fucking-ex works there so its not good, but i get to get drunk and laugh at all the scary-orange-skin-mini-skirt-and-heels girls dancing badly to terrible terrible 90s "old-skool" music. and wht does someone alweays turn up dressed in scool uniform? i had a friend (male) who went to a school disco style party dressed as a dinner lady that was cool. he had a hair net and bad glasses and everything.
im gonna go sort out my mountain of laundry before it takes over my room and im drowned in stinky socks n soiled shirts, and no one realises its happened for 3 weeks until i start leaking thru the cieling downstairs. its a pressing matter, it really is....