From timmy70
Ever posting anything new on S.G. love?
Ever posting anything new on S.G. love?
Hope you're getting ready to post something soon on SG! REALLY BORED AT THE MOMENT LOVELY!!!!!!
You are amazing!
absolutely beautiful I loveeeeee <3<3<3<3
Blue fits you well, but I miss tour black short hair , like in your 1st set <3
Congrats on reaching 1000 loves.
Thanks so much for the kind and informative response! The reason I asked about the antler tattoo is because I wondered if it was referring to True Detective. Don't know if you've seen the show, but it was fantastic and I'm a nerd about it. I hope get to be pink soon!
Just left you a surprise on my blog... congratulations on a lovely new set and thanks for your continued friendship!
Unique beauty, pure diamond💎💗❤️🔥
We will be pink one day :D<3
Great photos!
thank you for your support and love on my set, i've followed your work for a while now and it made me so happy to see your lovely comment <3 means a lot :) hope you're well xox
Thanks for your love pretty!
i love you ink!
Merry Christmas beautiful
Merry Christmas you pint sized pixie of passion and perfection!!!!
Just posted my tree and manger scene!!! Let me know what you think. By the way, WISHING YOU AND YOURS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS LOVE!!!
Nice pics! I follow you :)
Thanks fer the love on my set beautiful♡♡♡
Truly lovely
Thanks for the lovely comment on my set hun :)
thnx for the lovely comment on my set :))) happy u liked it :)
Thank you so much for the love on my set <3<3<3
Thanks for the love babe! Your hair is even MORE amazing!