1) It's been a crazy few days in Jersey, all the things that summer was supposed to be a few years ago-- without responsibility, lazy, spontaneous, and interrupted occasionally for family get-togethers. I haven't had that summer in a long time. Until a few weeks ago, I was taking classes, as I have been all year. The summer before I was taking classes in Japan and then waiting at home with depressed friends and relatives for mom to die. The summer after my freshman year of college must have been the last...
2) The family of the friend that I'm visiting arranged for us to spend the day on a boat Friday. We spent a good chunk of the afternoon rushing over the choppy bay in near-perfect weather. Growing up at the beach, I've always loved being close to the ocean, and speeding over the open water is one of the very best ways to experience it. The faint dry, salty smell and the warm air made bearable only by swift travel and a strong breeze-- they feel like home to my senses and exhilarate me.
3) My dad called me last night to tell me that he's proposed to his girlfriend. I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand, my dad is lonely and really cares about Beth. On the other hand, mom has been dead less than a year, Beth is barely out of her divorce, and they both have children still at home that are at a difficult age for such a transition.
4) My new job at the coffee shop is working out better than I hoped. The last job that I looked forward to every day was the one I held two years ago! I don't think I've really enjoyed anything since I started waiting tables-- something I didn't realize I hated until I got this new job. Now the few nights that I go to my waiting job are torture (even more than usual), while the shifts at the coffee shop are fun and social. I had forgotten that not every manager is a douchebag who lords his position over you constantly and that customers are people you want to come to your business. Sure, the guy that needs his double-skinny cappuccino with extra foam, steamed to precisely 138.6 degrees is annoying... but he's out of the shop in less than ten minutes.
5) Actually, now that I think about it... I am convinced that 85% of the people who order cappuccinos are men that don't normally go into coffee shops and have no idea what is served. I guess they think it's more sophisticated to oder the only "coffee house" drink they've heard of than to flounder around, lost in the suprisingly huge number of beverages that can be made by combining espresso and milk.
6) Ruthless power-struggle is sexy, dammit!
Currently reading: Reefer Madness by Eric Schlosser
Currently playing: Chrono Trigger!
Questions for my PEEPS!
1. Peeps: Bunnies or chicks?
Bunnies, of course! Big fluffy pink ones that you can blow up in the microwave!
2. If you coul have that ideal summer I was rambling about, what would it consist of?
A fun, easy job; plenty of boating and swimming; Spontaneous trips in and out of the country; a few family cook-outs; lazy mornings spent reading and playing videogames; and long nights on crazy ninja adventures!
3. I like oryon's question: If you had a Round Table, who would be at it?
Stay tuned for pictures and the raving of a lunatic mind who cares only for SUN-PROTECTION!!!!!!!!!! rawr!

2) The family of the friend that I'm visiting arranged for us to spend the day on a boat Friday. We spent a good chunk of the afternoon rushing over the choppy bay in near-perfect weather. Growing up at the beach, I've always loved being close to the ocean, and speeding over the open water is one of the very best ways to experience it. The faint dry, salty smell and the warm air made bearable only by swift travel and a strong breeze-- they feel like home to my senses and exhilarate me.
3) My dad called me last night to tell me that he's proposed to his girlfriend. I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand, my dad is lonely and really cares about Beth. On the other hand, mom has been dead less than a year, Beth is barely out of her divorce, and they both have children still at home that are at a difficult age for such a transition.
4) My new job at the coffee shop is working out better than I hoped. The last job that I looked forward to every day was the one I held two years ago! I don't think I've really enjoyed anything since I started waiting tables-- something I didn't realize I hated until I got this new job. Now the few nights that I go to my waiting job are torture (even more than usual), while the shifts at the coffee shop are fun and social. I had forgotten that not every manager is a douchebag who lords his position over you constantly and that customers are people you want to come to your business. Sure, the guy that needs his double-skinny cappuccino with extra foam, steamed to precisely 138.6 degrees is annoying... but he's out of the shop in less than ten minutes.

5) Actually, now that I think about it... I am convinced that 85% of the people who order cappuccinos are men that don't normally go into coffee shops and have no idea what is served. I guess they think it's more sophisticated to oder the only "coffee house" drink they've heard of than to flounder around, lost in the suprisingly huge number of beverages that can be made by combining espresso and milk.

6) Ruthless power-struggle is sexy, dammit!

Currently reading: Reefer Madness by Eric Schlosser
Currently playing: Chrono Trigger!
Questions for my PEEPS!
1. Peeps: Bunnies or chicks?
Bunnies, of course! Big fluffy pink ones that you can blow up in the microwave!
2. If you coul have that ideal summer I was rambling about, what would it consist of?
A fun, easy job; plenty of boating and swimming; Spontaneous trips in and out of the country; a few family cook-outs; lazy mornings spent reading and playing videogames; and long nights on crazy ninja adventures!
3. I like oryon's question: If you had a Round Table, who would be at it?
Stay tuned for pictures and the raving of a lunatic mind who cares only for SUN-PROTECTION!!!!!!!!!! rawr!

Here's a few pics to motivate you!