Domo-kun in your TOILET!
1) I just crushed another person last night, and it was the exact opposite of a pretty picture... again.
2) The time for schoolwork is almost done, yet I still have the entire semester's worth of work to complete.
3) Spent a few hours with Alia, who was supposed to be my new roommate, yesterday, and had fun doing so.
4) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind rules my world.
5) Things are working for me, and things are working against me. Did you finish your taxes, people? Move around the block, spin three times in a circle, pull your hair as hard as you can, stop and read a book, then you will know how I feel. Add a warm sunny day, speed down the road. Lose 2.2 pounds. Deny yourself that poster. Marry the rich and powerful. Don't look, dammmit. Sad but still happy.
For today's questions of the day, I want YOU GUYS to ask me any three questions. I'll answer, and you should let people do the same in your journals!
PS. I really
all you guys!
1) I just crushed another person last night, and it was the exact opposite of a pretty picture... again.

2) The time for schoolwork is almost done, yet I still have the entire semester's worth of work to complete.
3) Spent a few hours with Alia, who was supposed to be my new roommate, yesterday, and had fun doing so.

4) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind rules my world.
5) Things are working for me, and things are working against me. Did you finish your taxes, people? Move around the block, spin three times in a circle, pull your hair as hard as you can, stop and read a book, then you will know how I feel. Add a warm sunny day, speed down the road. Lose 2.2 pounds. Deny yourself that poster. Marry the rich and powerful. Don't look, dammmit. Sad but still happy.
For today's questions of the day, I want YOU GUYS to ask me any three questions. I'll answer, and you should let people do the same in your journals!
PS. I really

Dude, I get Julia Styles a lot too. And Drew Barrymore on occasion. You remsemble none of those chicks in my opinion, though, you're right! hah
WOW Catherine Zeta Jones huh?? Thanks!!