This is getting so, so old.
I am absolutely discouraged. Job hunting is the singularly most soul-destroying process I've been through. I feel worthless. I've been applying to jobs with a High School Diploma as the requirement and I am still unemployed.
I don't know if I'll be able to make the drive to Ohio in my car anymore. Which fucking sucks.
Tomorrow is biohazard830206's birthday. Go tell my sweet sugarbear to have a good one.
ECCT in a few days. This week can't go fast enough.

I am absolutely discouraged. Job hunting is the singularly most soul-destroying process I've been through. I feel worthless. I've been applying to jobs with a High School Diploma as the requirement and I am still unemployed.
I don't know if I'll be able to make the drive to Ohio in my car anymore. Which fucking sucks.
Tomorrow is biohazard830206's birthday. Go tell my sweet sugarbear to have a good one.
ECCT in a few days. This week can't go fast enough.

Not having a job and hunting for one may be soul-killin', but so is having a job many times, the only difference being that you get money while your soul whittles away (which is a bonus in a few ways). I do still hope you find something soon. This epic issue related to jobs across the country is really sucking, but I'm sure you'll find something. I may have a job at the moment, but I've been jobless, hourless, and all sorts of shitiness related to jobs so I know it sucks while it's going on. Just keep truckin' and thinking about those good things like your man and what not. Deal?
Wedding fever is kind of frustrating for me right now