Give me something to believe in
Tell it to me with conviction
Make me feel like everything's alright
The weather outside is dark and dreary. It's making my mood low, I feel grumpy and angsty.
I am in a bit of a panic right now, and I feel like a total mess.
I can't seem to get away from financial issues. As soon as I get a little money, something happens and it's gone.
I've been avoiding my life by playing computer games. I remember now why I don't play them during the school year. I neglect my responsibilities and turn into a zombie.
I haven't heard back about the internship. The papers are due next Friday to the internship professor. I may not graduate on time.
I feel completely disgusted with myself right now. I need to lose weight. I'm tired of feeling like my entire wardrobe is too small. I'm tired of failing and making excuses for it
I want to go back to bed.
edit: I need a fucking haircut.

Question of the day:
What in your life do you believe in?

Tell it to me with conviction
Make me feel like everything's alright
The weather outside is dark and dreary. It's making my mood low, I feel grumpy and angsty.
I am in a bit of a panic right now, and I feel like a total mess.
I can't seem to get away from financial issues. As soon as I get a little money, something happens and it's gone.
I've been avoiding my life by playing computer games. I remember now why I don't play them during the school year. I neglect my responsibilities and turn into a zombie.
I haven't heard back about the internship. The papers are due next Friday to the internship professor. I may not graduate on time.
I feel completely disgusted with myself right now. I need to lose weight. I'm tired of feeling like my entire wardrobe is too small. I'm tired of failing and making excuses for it
I want to go back to bed.
edit: I need a fucking haircut.

Question of the day:
What in your life do you believe in?

Do the best you can we're all on your side...
You do need a haircut but your glasses are always tops...
I beleive..after everything I've been love...still...