I don't want to think about the garbage going on in my life right now, so I'm just going to fill in a bunch of random survey thingies.
What do you wanna be when you grow up?
- a fairy princess
Is 30 old?
- not so much anymore
What's your major?
- psychology
Do you have a crush on anyone?
- obviously
What's the prettiest part of your body?
- I think my eyes
What celebrity would you shag?
-#1 would be Paul Rudd
Have you shagged any celebrities?
- not unless you count people that are famous in thier own mind
Have you met any celebrities?
- several, mostly comedians
Do you think you'll ever get married?
- I hope to someday, but we'll see
What do you want your wedding song to be?
- something that relates to the person I'd be marrying, I can't answer that now.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
- Greece
If you were stranded on a desert island,what 2 things would you take with you?
- a big sketch pad and a sleeping bag
What is your favorite club?
- Lava Lounge
Movie you wished you had starred in
- Ghost World
Any other celebrities you would shag?
- Anderson Cooper
Who is the coolest person you know?
- Everyone I know is nerdy, which works for me
Whats the best class you ever took?
- I liked psychological testing a lot
What's the best job you've ever had?
- The salon. It paid horribly but the perks were nice.
Is there someone that you cant stop thinking about that doesnt know it?
- He probably knows it.
what song is in your head right now?
- don't have one in there currently
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
- an orange
Do you love your mom?
- yes...
Do you love your dad?
- sure...
Do you love your siblings?
- I think it's required, isn't it?
Do you get along better with men or women?
- men, for sure.
Plain or peanut?
- peanut
smooth or crunchy?
- smooth
White or wheat?
- wheat
Coldplay or Nivana?
Purple or Chartruese?
Aliens or Ghosts?
Do you believe in ghosts?
- no, not really
Favorite movie?
- MST3K the movie
Favorite Christian Slater movie?
- Interview with a vampire
favorite drink?
- iced tea - unsweetened
Favorite alchoholic drink?
Favorite mixed drink?
- see above
Favorite city?
- Portland or NYC
Favorite store?
-Torrid and Daddyos
- chocolate, sex
- Internet
- skinny boys count?
Favorite food?
- chocolate, cheesecake, seafood, artichokes, chick peas
Favorite animal?
Best friends name(s)?
- Jessica AKA twat waffle
Think of a number between 1 and 10
- 4
Have you ever thrown up on someone really hot?
- nope
Has anyone really hot ever thrown up on you?
- nooope
Have you ever been to mexico?
- not yet
Do you obssess over little things?
- constantly
Do you have any tatoos?
- yeah, a couple...
Do you have any peircings?
- I used to have lots
What is your ethnic background?
- 1/4 Mexican, and lots of very white western European ethnicities
Have you ever broken anyones heart?
- I'm a chronic heart breaker
Has anyone ever broken your heart?
- a few
Do you refer to anyone as "the one that got away"
- no, they're all away for a reason.
Have you slept with anyone that is on myspace?
- I'm pretty sure everyone I've slept with has had a myspace account at some point
Did you think that that question was a little too personal?
- I thought it was a little stupid
Republican or democrat?
- my registration says independent but I will never vote republican
liberal or conservative?
- a filthy, dirty liberal
what's your favorite word?
- Lately it's been harumpf or shenanigans
who is the hottest woman/man in the world?
- probably Johnny Depp
Who would you kill if your morals would allow?
- almost everyone
what's your favorite restaurant?
- miyako
What color are your underwear right now?
- black
If you could join one band, what would it be?
- No Doubt, and try to have them bring back the old music
If you could resurrect one band, who would it be?
- Letters To Cleo
Favorite male vocalist?
-Uhhh, Neil Patrick Harris?
Favorite female vocalist?
- Patricia from Horrorpops
favorite athelete?
- gender bender!
favorite body part on a guy/girl?
- hip bones/ neck
What your ideal mate should look like?
- tall, dark haired, skinny
what your ideal mate should act like?
- nerdy, funny, sweet
what your ideal mate should be intersted in.
- some similar things to me, some different
how he/she should propose
- creatively
What band does your ideal mate absolutley have to love?
- meh, don't care
what can your ideal mate not do?
- lie to me
Do you believe in soul mates?
- no, not really
Do you love yourself?
- sometimes
Do you love your friends?
- of course
Who do you love the most in the whole wide world?
- the kiddo
Well that was certainly distracting.
Tonight: happy visit time from Boy Scout
Question of the day:
ummm, just pick one of the above.
What do you wanna be when you grow up?
- a fairy princess
Is 30 old?
- not so much anymore
What's your major?
- psychology
Do you have a crush on anyone?
- obviously
What's the prettiest part of your body?
- I think my eyes
What celebrity would you shag?
-#1 would be Paul Rudd
Have you shagged any celebrities?
- not unless you count people that are famous in thier own mind
Have you met any celebrities?
- several, mostly comedians
Do you think you'll ever get married?
- I hope to someday, but we'll see
What do you want your wedding song to be?
- something that relates to the person I'd be marrying, I can't answer that now.
If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
- Greece
If you were stranded on a desert island,what 2 things would you take with you?
- a big sketch pad and a sleeping bag
What is your favorite club?
- Lava Lounge
Movie you wished you had starred in
- Ghost World
Any other celebrities you would shag?
- Anderson Cooper
Who is the coolest person you know?
- Everyone I know is nerdy, which works for me
Whats the best class you ever took?
- I liked psychological testing a lot
What's the best job you've ever had?
- The salon. It paid horribly but the perks were nice.
Is there someone that you cant stop thinking about that doesnt know it?
- He probably knows it.
what song is in your head right now?
- don't have one in there currently
What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
- an orange
Do you love your mom?
- yes...
Do you love your dad?
- sure...
Do you love your siblings?
- I think it's required, isn't it?
Do you get along better with men or women?
- men, for sure.
Plain or peanut?
- peanut
smooth or crunchy?
- smooth
White or wheat?
- wheat
Coldplay or Nivana?
Purple or Chartruese?
Aliens or Ghosts?
Do you believe in ghosts?
- no, not really
Favorite movie?
- MST3K the movie
Favorite Christian Slater movie?
- Interview with a vampire
favorite drink?
- iced tea - unsweetened
Favorite alchoholic drink?
Favorite mixed drink?
- see above
Favorite city?
- Portland or NYC
Favorite store?
-Torrid and Daddyos
- chocolate, sex
- Internet
- skinny boys count?
Favorite food?
- chocolate, cheesecake, seafood, artichokes, chick peas
Favorite animal?

Best friends name(s)?
- Jessica AKA twat waffle
Think of a number between 1 and 10
- 4
Have you ever thrown up on someone really hot?
- nope
Has anyone really hot ever thrown up on you?
- nooope
Have you ever been to mexico?
- not yet
Do you obssess over little things?
- constantly
Do you have any tatoos?
- yeah, a couple...
Do you have any peircings?
- I used to have lots
What is your ethnic background?
- 1/4 Mexican, and lots of very white western European ethnicities
Have you ever broken anyones heart?
- I'm a chronic heart breaker
Has anyone ever broken your heart?
- a few
Do you refer to anyone as "the one that got away"
- no, they're all away for a reason.
Have you slept with anyone that is on myspace?
- I'm pretty sure everyone I've slept with has had a myspace account at some point
Did you think that that question was a little too personal?
- I thought it was a little stupid
Republican or democrat?
- my registration says independent but I will never vote republican
liberal or conservative?
- a filthy, dirty liberal
what's your favorite word?
- Lately it's been harumpf or shenanigans
who is the hottest woman/man in the world?
- probably Johnny Depp
Who would you kill if your morals would allow?
- almost everyone
what's your favorite restaurant?
- miyako
What color are your underwear right now?
- black
If you could join one band, what would it be?
- No Doubt, and try to have them bring back the old music
If you could resurrect one band, who would it be?
- Letters To Cleo
Favorite male vocalist?
-Uhhh, Neil Patrick Harris?
Favorite female vocalist?
- Patricia from Horrorpops
favorite athelete?
- gender bender!
favorite body part on a guy/girl?
- hip bones/ neck
What your ideal mate should look like?
- tall, dark haired, skinny
what your ideal mate should act like?
- nerdy, funny, sweet
what your ideal mate should be intersted in.
- some similar things to me, some different
how he/she should propose
- creatively
What band does your ideal mate absolutley have to love?
- meh, don't care
what can your ideal mate not do?
- lie to me
Do you believe in soul mates?
- no, not really
Do you love yourself?
- sometimes
Do you love your friends?
- of course
Who do you love the most in the whole wide world?
- the kiddo
Well that was certainly distracting.
Tonight: happy visit time from Boy Scout
Question of the day:
ummm, just pick one of the above.

It has been a good tour over here...I'm ready for Europe though....How's things with you? Did you have a good Thanksgiving?
i hate doing surveys, but i sure do love reading em if my friends do em!