A short day at work. The season here has completely died, at least until the end of may. I miss my best friends... More than they could possibly know. I am gkad the have each other though. It melts my heart that I can't be there for either of them the way I should, the way I used to.. I am definitely a contendor for... Read More
My skin is so dry... Florida is nice until it all of a sudden gets to 50 degrees and below. So there is major skin issues going on.. I need to fall in love with a dermatoligist... Any takers??
ey, i saw you were looking for a photog in the Photographer Hopefulls group. i'm not certain, but i'm pretty sure there's a couple in SGFL. you can join, if you want, and post a request there.
Ok, so I have been offered the job of a lifetime. I went to this restaurant, fell in love with the place... and was offered a job there. Granted, this job is in South Carolina, but at this point in my life I am up for anything... Especially to better my career.
I've actually only felt like I have worked since choosing a culinary life,... Read More
Off to help mom move. She still doesn't know what is going on with South Carolina, which sux... I feel like they're not going to let her know, just dick her around. Not a good taste, you know....?
My dog has been super sweet to me the last couple of days, I think she is trying to butter me up for something. My Vegas, always... Read More
saw some amazing things, ate some amazing food and RELAXED. That is what I really needed, a vacation... somewhere to go and clear my head. I feel so much better, so much more at ease...
could I live there? Yes... Am I going to move there? No...
Going to get my haircut today, preping for my graduation... I sorta feel like i should dye it red again, like how it was when I first started school... It was so lively. I think the chefs would get a kick out of it. God knows they did 3 years ago...
I miss you Lady, come visit now please... No drama, I promise.