Friendship is a riddle.
As a child, I thought that for friendship it's enough just to say "hello" and you friends forever.
But already since then, life has shown me that it is extremely difficult to make friends with girls. I, of course, had friends on the sandbox, but soon I was running around the roofs, garages, playing knives))).
With the boys I was more cheerful, and I was always "my own".
The girls were more evil and touchy, well, or I'm too straightforward :)).
In my youth, my head was occupied with the fact that it's like shit when you fall in love with a friend or a friend falls in love with you. This terribly disturbed and each time spoiled the friendship.
Therefore, it became increasingly difficult to make friends with the boys. It was necessary to somehow find common interests with contemporaries. It was extremely difficult, because this "general" was practically not there.
Firstly, at the age of 13 I was already a goth, and people kept me a little aloof, although it never affected my sociability, but my grandmother on the street frightened off my image very well :))).
I then studied at an art school for a couple of years, and it was there that I had already realized girlfriends, since there were almost no boys in the class. I was a ringleader, broke lessons, swore with the teachers, fought with the remnants of the boys that we had, in general, if you were an educator at that time in our school - you would hate me, for I was a puberty rebel. Now I'm a little uncomfortable, under the pressure of nostalgia, but hell ... it was fun :)). Then I thought that friendship is to go crazy together, to create insanities. But time passed, and the circle of communication was replaced by new people.
And in 18-20 years people began to meet me "on the same wavelength" with me. Actually, most of them are with me so far. Then there was a hobby for photography, which gave me the opportunity to create a team, and eventually find friends-colleagues. And the tattoo culture has made a separate contribution to my life. I probably would not have met so many interesting people in my life, if not for my image.
From this period, there were closer acquaintances, friends and friends, whom I considered to be the most faithful and the best. But it was from then on that the greatest disappointments began. After all, the one who becomes closer to you, hurts the most painfully. So it was with me, and unfortunately, more than once. All that I have learned now is not to build illusions about friendship, to accept that we all change with time and disagree on our own roads, and yet understand that friends are known not in sorrow, but in happiness. It seems to be strange, but no.
Almost anyone will gladly take pity on you and console you, but not everyone will like your happiness. I was often turned away by "people close to me" during such periods of life. I was terribly upset.
Now I have learned to understand this, but it is still difficult to accept this fact.
After all, I do not feel jealous, I'm always happy for those who are dear to me. And I realized that it is possible and necessary to be friends with men, and finally, not to fall in love with them :))) It is true that it was practically impossible to be friends with the "former", apparently for me there were always a lot of emotions involved, often negative. I do not know how some people manage to make friends with the "former."
Did you lose your best friends? And if so, what was the reason?
Thank you @RAMBO and @MISSY for this moment to be yourself here.