this is what i read at my grandpa's funeral toda y just felt the need to put it out there somewhere .
How do you write something worthy enough to describe your own personal superman? You just speak from the heart and it all pours out, all the joys and all the tears he ever wiped away all come rushing back in mere seconds. The word grandpa doesnt even do him justice, he was more than just grandpa to me he was the only father I ever knew, he was the constant in my life, he was the one I always knew would be there for me when I needed him. He would take you in his arms and make everything better.
He was always there with a hug for you and his nice warm hands could make the worst belly ache go away. You always knew if you had a question grandpa would be able to answer it and if he didnt know the answer he would spend an hour trying to find out. There was forever a song coming out of his mouth even if he did only remember 2 lines of it. I can remember his patience over the years with all the grandkids and later great grandkids. I remember him walking with my cousins or just rocking them till they fell asleep, and later with my own children. Never complaining about babies or crying or anything just enjoying and loving every minute of being a grandpa.
I could tell a million stories about what great man he was but we all know that. What I know is how much it ment to me to be able to be there for him in these last few months. I felt like I was finally able to prove to him that I grew up to his expectations of me.
The last few days in the hospital the whole family got together to see him and tell him how much he was loved. When he told us that everything was perfect and wonderful I couldnt help but think that we were all his making, his influence over the years had made us all the best people we could be.
In the hospital I only wanted him to be comfortable and well taken care of. Once while I was giving him a drink of water I asked him if he needed anything else and he told me no, then a minute later said yes he did need something and out of all he could have needed at the time all he wanted was a kiss. A few hours later the same thing happened only this time I asked if he needed a kiss he said no then puckered up his lips for me. That night I stayed with my grandpa and laid my arm across his chest so he knew he wasnt alone while he slept. When I woke up I knew he had just taken his last breath and I hugged him and kissed him goodbye and hoped he felt as loved in my arms as I have my whole life in his.

How do you write something worthy enough to describe your own personal superman? You just speak from the heart and it all pours out, all the joys and all the tears he ever wiped away all come rushing back in mere seconds. The word grandpa doesnt even do him justice, he was more than just grandpa to me he was the only father I ever knew, he was the constant in my life, he was the one I always knew would be there for me when I needed him. He would take you in his arms and make everything better.
He was always there with a hug for you and his nice warm hands could make the worst belly ache go away. You always knew if you had a question grandpa would be able to answer it and if he didnt know the answer he would spend an hour trying to find out. There was forever a song coming out of his mouth even if he did only remember 2 lines of it. I can remember his patience over the years with all the grandkids and later great grandkids. I remember him walking with my cousins or just rocking them till they fell asleep, and later with my own children. Never complaining about babies or crying or anything just enjoying and loving every minute of being a grandpa.
I could tell a million stories about what great man he was but we all know that. What I know is how much it ment to me to be able to be there for him in these last few months. I felt like I was finally able to prove to him that I grew up to his expectations of me.
The last few days in the hospital the whole family got together to see him and tell him how much he was loved. When he told us that everything was perfect and wonderful I couldnt help but think that we were all his making, his influence over the years had made us all the best people we could be.
In the hospital I only wanted him to be comfortable and well taken care of. Once while I was giving him a drink of water I asked him if he needed anything else and he told me no, then a minute later said yes he did need something and out of all he could have needed at the time all he wanted was a kiss. A few hours later the same thing happened only this time I asked if he needed a kiss he said no then puckered up his lips for me. That night I stayed with my grandpa and laid my arm across his chest so he knew he wasnt alone while he slept. When I woke up I knew he had just taken his last breath and I hugged him and kissed him goodbye and hoped he felt as loved in my arms as I have my whole life in his.
