My grandpa passed away monday morning at 5:30
He was the closest thing to a father I ever had or will have. He was my superman , always there for you no matter what . He fought being sick for the last 6 months and finally couldnt fight it anymore. I decided to stay with him at the hospital sunday night , the nurse got a bed set up next to his for me so I could lay next to him . I made sure I kept my hand on his chest so I could feel him breathing and I listened for each breath while I laid there. I dozed off here and there and must have woken up as soon as he stopped breathing . I kissed him good bye and called everyone back to the hospital.
I made sure he was comfortable and in no pain ...when I asked him if he needed anything earlier on sunday he told me no then after a minute called me back over and told me that yes he did need something and took his oxygen off and asked for a kiss and told me how wonderful I was and that I was his "special thing". We said all our I love yous and goodbyes and even though he will be missed more than words could ever convey I have this sense of peace about everything.

I made sure he was comfortable and in no pain ...when I asked him if he needed anything earlier on sunday he told me no then after a minute called me back over and told me that yes he did need something and took his oxygen off and asked for a kiss and told me how wonderful I was and that I was his "special thing". We said all our I love yous and goodbyes and even though he will be missed more than words could ever convey I have this sense of peace about everything.

Hang in there.
Yeah, we'll work something out. I'm hardly ever on IM, but we'll chat sometime. Talk to ya later.