my new job provides lots more money than the old one. yay for me.
i need to make business cards for my second source of income. i sold two pairs of earrings the other day and earned enough to take egon out to dinner.
i love snapping the plugs out of my ears and snapping them back again. i am a dork.
i need to make business cards for my second source of income. i sold two pairs of earrings the other day and earned enough to take egon out to dinner.
i love snapping the plugs out of my ears and snapping them back again. i am a dork.
snapping them in and out of my ears is fine, well was when i didnt have flared plugs...but the other day i got one shot out of my ear! there is this chair at work that goes up and back for different levels of tattooing but i went to but it up and it snapped with such force that it cracked me right in the side if the head!!!! oooch!!!