i was driving to school today and listening to a great song. when i got to school i didn't want to stop the car and the song, so something told me to do donuts in the parking lot. i drove around a lightpost at least five times. when i realized the ridiculousness of what i was doing i started laughing. fuckin shrieking laughing. and the music was really loud. spinning laughing singing. people were looking at me. when i finally got out of the car, all the kids who were standing outside the school asked me what i was on. nothing, i said. it was just time to do that.
So yeah, no worries.
And did you know that newts can give themselves head?
Because I totally do!
I have received no emails this whole weekend..my outlook iwasdown, I think the recent electrical storms threw my computer out of wack. ::Grrrrr::
I got the tattoo at Rock-a-Billy tattoo..ever been there? Great place.