i got a fabulous pair of shoes today- and i do mean Fabulous. the salesguy was the gayest guy ever! he was so cute. refused to ring up the shoes unless i got the bag to match. (i would have bought it anyway- i don't let salesmen talk me into things. he held up a striped pair of socks and said "how much fun are These?!?!" i said they were too much fun for me.)
so i have the pink Converse that it seems every girl owns lately... but with a matching pink bag!
and i used to be so ashamed to admit that i'm a girl.
so i have the pink Converse that it seems every girl owns lately... but with a matching pink bag!

and i used to be so ashamed to admit that i'm a girl.
oh and maybe you could find me a girlfriend that isn't so fucking psycho and immature... that might help... but then again.. i guess i didn't act so mature myself... blah