maggie is hot. but everyone knows that. my bathroom is sparkling clean. but no one knows that but me because i am the only one who has seen it. my kitchen is a mess. that will soon change. boring! boring! don't read this, it's boring!
Mercy's journal.
Today i was awakened by a hairy guy screaming about sleepmasks. Then i fed the cats. Then i petted the cats. Then I got some cereal and ate it. Then i repeated the last two sentances. Then i gave the cats my leftover milk. I sure do love my cats. catscatrscatscatscats. Then I wentto school then i came home, fed the cats, petted the cats, and ate more cereal. THen i woke up the giant grumpy sleeping thing in my bed. Then he complained aboutnot being able to watch boxing since he had to work, and called everyone a chump. Now i am going to bead. Then i'm going to bed. The end