My first set goes live in 1 week and 5 days!
I’m super excited, and nervous, but mostly excited. I can’t wait to share it with all of you!
It’s called “Just Like Fire” and my photographer of the set actually picked out that name and I loved it.
It’s just me spending some quality time with a super sexy 1939 Chevy Master.
I wear all red and that’s where the fire comes into play.
My second set will drop just three short weeks after the first one. I’ll tell you all about that one in an upcoming blog.
Please show my set lots of love! It’s my dream to become a Suicide Girl so please help me get Set of the Day!
I also just want to say thank you to my followers for making this such an amazing experience so far and for all of the support I know you’ll continue to show me. I really can’t do this without the help of all of you! ❤️
If you follow me on Instagram, I’ve got a countdown reminder for when the first set hits Member Review. Be sure to head there and turn on your reminder. My insta is: salo_sgh
Also, I’ve met a lot of people that aren’t sure how I pronounce Salo. It’s say-low. Its actually part of my husbands name backwards! His name is Nick (Nicholas) and backwards that’s Salohcin, which I named a companion character on a video game that I play. I liked the Salo part so much I decided to use it as my SG name!
Thanks for giving my blog a read!
Salo 😘