my dad and i text.
about three years ago i was in NJ visiting my dad and he was mystified by my sidekick (dont judge).
a couple months later i got a new phone and he called to ask me exactly what kind of phone i had b/c he wanted to get the same one so he could txt me. the next day he started txting and it now happens all day every day.
i dont really mind it, b/c if im getting overwhelmed by him i just ignore it for a couple hours and tell him i wasnt responding b/c i was at work.
now he is creeping on my fb profile! he doesnt even have a fb. i'd add him if he did, but it's just like super random and weird when he out of the blue asks me about something on my fb wall or a pic or status.
i have questions for you guys!
do your parents have fb and are you friends? hopefuls: do your parents/relatives know you are trying to be a SG?
about three years ago i was in NJ visiting my dad and he was mystified by my sidekick (dont judge).
a couple months later i got a new phone and he called to ask me exactly what kind of phone i had b/c he wanted to get the same one so he could txt me. the next day he started txting and it now happens all day every day.
i dont really mind it, b/c if im getting overwhelmed by him i just ignore it for a couple hours and tell him i wasnt responding b/c i was at work.
now he is creeping on my fb profile! he doesnt even have a fb. i'd add him if he did, but it's just like super random and weird when he out of the blue asks me about something on my fb wall or a pic or status.
i have questions for you guys!
do your parents have fb and are you friends? hopefuls: do your parents/relatives know you are trying to be a SG?
As for her knowing I'm even involved in this site...nope. We've let a few close friends know but only the young hip ones who would "get it". I'm by no means ashamed or really worried they would find out, it's just a different facet of my life that I only want to enjoy with certain people Cuz really everyone has a little bag of weirdness...some just bigger than others