i have two roommates.

both are about my age, with similar upbringings and life styles. this morning while i was internet lifeing, my one roommate was making coffee and he started singing the chorus of this song. totally random, but i totally love it.

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

this is going to sound super corny, but my sister.

she is my best friend, but we lead completely different lives. and i would like to know what it is like to be her for one day. she has a 9 to 5 job, and a 5yo son. she would...
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he environment you grow up in has a huge influence on who you are, so of course she would get where I was coming from. I just love her so much, she is the only person I completely trust.

This is exactly true -- of course there will be small differences, but there are so many small things that you can never tell or fully explain to anyone, so many years after the fact .. that they were there for. Even if you never talked to them about these things during, .. they were there all the same years, and it's a weird [in a good way] thing, that shared experience. Funny when you find these things through another route -- like free food. Lol. But y'know what -- that's the way some of the best friendships come around. Hating each other, or using each other to get something else .. and then being like. Shit, no way. There's something to this.

Yeah, I have a couple younger brothers. The one who is my best friend is six years younger, so it took us longer to come to this point. He was fourteen before I gave him credit for being a real person. Unfortunately, my family moved away just a year later. He's eighteen now and our closeness remains as much as it can, but my heart is broken.

However .. when he comes back periodically [once or twice a year], we are peas in our pod. And completely different from the rest of our family. :]
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

this could be embarrassing.

1. thrice- a living dance upon dead minds
2. atom and his package- mustache t.v.
3. jay-z- it's hot
4. say anything- it's a metaphor, fool
5. limbeck- making the rounds
6. kimya dawson- roller coaster
7. mates of state- gotta get a problem
8. my bloody valentine- by...
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Thrice, Jay-Z, My Bloody Valentine!
youre so adorable.
not yet....but soon!

i took pics for my second set today! my first set isnt up yet (not til oct 11th!) but i figured id get started on my second set since the whole process takes awhile.

sneak pics to come soon!
stoked on this smile
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Dear __
i shouldnt get excited just b/c you call to tell me to have a great day. i shouldnt get excited just b/c you txt me back within 5min. i deserve more. i wish youd lose my number.

im never losing your number
Do tell!
Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one

i (obvs) got this daily blog list from tumblr.

my tumblr is mysweetfracture.tumblr.com

the reason i got one was b/c my old roommate and best friend, emily had a tumblr. we can be like 12 yr old girls and do everything the other person does.

on monday i blogged about short term goals for the month.

one was to run 6miles straight, and tonight i ran 7.4miles with no walking!!! i am sore now and sure to be even more sore tomorrow, but im super proud of myself.

and another goal was to get my mn license. i took the written test today and passed! now i just need to...
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Half and half...have half a month off then go back and top the run, as well as find a new goal! Doesn't hurt to rest and then go harder

PS thanks heaps for the add, nice music taste!
i'm in awe of that run. i want to die after a one mile run. part of it's from boredom, part from just plain not being able to do it. put me on a bike, though, and i could go all day.

congratulations on reaching your goal so quickly! hope you can walk tomorrow, overachiever! wink
group of smiles..
always welcome..
convo between my roommates:
j- the girl in the grass girl?
b- there's a babe in the grass*?! (walks towards window)
j- nooo, your babe in the grass.
b- oh her, no....i'll never see her again.
j- sweet.

(babe in the grass: a girl my roommate slept with in the back yard of his friend's house)