ug... been busy picked up a 2nd job.. cuz once again rooommate number 3 has fucked me and the other roommate over.. seriously wtf is wrong with ppl... this is because a. i broke a mirror at work awhile ago 7 yrs bad luck.. 2. karma coming to bite me in the ass which i do deserve!!!
... though i did get a new tatt!!! i really like it... its just 3 stars on my lower right shoulder... one big black one kinda like a cut out on my skin .. and then two blue stars ones changing color to a nother light blue then the smaller one is the light blue.. that lil star is hot right where it sits
... then i do get vacation the 22 and im gonna get my arm colored i think... other then that im really bored cuz i want some beer with some rad company and no one is up