i feel sick really. completely sick. i want to vomit all these feelings up and start today over. its not okay for you to tell me that i'm childish because i want you, because i leave when i need too, that i cry when i need too and i dont just let you tell me how i should feel. i want to kill you really but not really, i only want to because it would glamorous and beautiful but i would just miss you too terribly. i need you now and you can do is sleep. i hate watching you sleep. you seem so self satisfied. i wish i were self satisfied for only a minute. i love you so much. everything about you. i got it bad and you don't even notice.

I tried buying girls' pants one time, but I discovered a little something a like to call my "package problem." Girls' pants are cut just a bit differently, so they to "emphasize" certain areas more than others, if you know what I mean.