Just a friendly note of advice to other Hopefuls. Maybe you can learn from my apparent fuckup.
If you are in a group, and want to post a group-specific-themed photoset to the group's photo section, that you have NO plans to submit for Member Review , PLEASE double check with the group rules to see if, as a Hopeful, that you are actually allowed to do so. And if the rules are unclear, or seem to imply that you are allowed to post group-specific sets, then triple check with the moderator, to make sure that you actually allowed to do so, without being labeled a spammer, due to your Hopeful status. I have discovered that sometimes the written rules of a group don't seem to jive with the unwritten rules enforced in the group. I don't know how many or which groups have developed a similar rule that Hopeful pictureset posting, even if related to, or directly on, the group's topic, is deemed spam, in the 4 years I was gone, but was told by at least 2 other members that most groups now have this rule, whether it is written down or not.
Maybe I am a bit over-sensitive to the idea of being accused of spamming due to my intense hatred in the '90s of the "make your cock bigger" spam that overflowed my inbox, when I had a pay-per-hour ISP.
Maybe someone can help me understand the evolution of the definition of the word "spam" in the new millennium, and how it can now apply to group posts, by group members, that are exactly on topic? However, part of me gets the feeling that maybe the denotative meaning of the word "spam" has not actually changed, but may have simply become a word to be bandied about connotatively to imply dislike or stupidity, such as "gay" and "retarded," which are very casually and negatively thrown around without regard or thought to their actual definitions and applications. Anyone know if this is might be the case?
Anyway, be careful out there Hopeful Girls, and good luck on your applications and MR sets, as well as all your non-Hopeful related pursuits.

If you are in a group, and want to post a group-specific-themed photoset to the group's photo section, that you have NO plans to submit for Member Review , PLEASE double check with the group rules to see if, as a Hopeful, that you are actually allowed to do so. And if the rules are unclear, or seem to imply that you are allowed to post group-specific sets, then triple check with the moderator, to make sure that you actually allowed to do so, without being labeled a spammer, due to your Hopeful status. I have discovered that sometimes the written rules of a group don't seem to jive with the unwritten rules enforced in the group. I don't know how many or which groups have developed a similar rule that Hopeful pictureset posting, even if related to, or directly on, the group's topic, is deemed spam, in the 4 years I was gone, but was told by at least 2 other members that most groups now have this rule, whether it is written down or not.
Maybe I am a bit over-sensitive to the idea of being accused of spamming due to my intense hatred in the '90s of the "make your cock bigger" spam that overflowed my inbox, when I had a pay-per-hour ISP.
Maybe someone can help me understand the evolution of the definition of the word "spam" in the new millennium, and how it can now apply to group posts, by group members, that are exactly on topic? However, part of me gets the feeling that maybe the denotative meaning of the word "spam" has not actually changed, but may have simply become a word to be bandied about connotatively to imply dislike or stupidity, such as "gay" and "retarded," which are very casually and negatively thrown around without regard or thought to their actual definitions and applications. Anyone know if this is might be the case?
Anyway, be careful out there Hopeful Girls, and good luck on your applications and MR sets, as well as all your non-Hopeful related pursuits.
