SUMMER! (well not technically til next month,BUT it seems like it....!)
Ive just been to the park for a picnic with my friends Jay & Abbee & the children.
They are cute.
They are starting nursery together in September.We have plans for them to marry
I bought this dress yesterday...

I LOVE it.I bought another 3 aswell....oooopsie....Damn Oxford St.
I love how songs remind me of certain points in my life.Even bad ones like breaking up with people.If i listened to a song a lot when i was sad,i tend to not listen to it for ages.Then when i re-discover it years later i love it even more!
I want to know....
What songs remind you of summer?
Me = (Hed) PE - Bartender (well anything (Hed) PE really....
But mostly this from 'Never Been Kissed'
SUMMER! (well not technically til next month,BUT it seems like it....!)
Ive just been to the park for a picnic with my friends Jay & Abbee & the children.
They are cute.

They are starting nursery together in September.We have plans for them to marry

I bought this dress yesterday...

I LOVE it.I bought another 3 aswell....oooopsie....Damn Oxford St.
I love how songs remind me of certain points in my life.Even bad ones like breaking up with people.If i listened to a song a lot when i was sad,i tend to not listen to it for ages.Then when i re-discover it years later i love it even more!
I want to know....
What songs remind you of summer?
Me = (Hed) PE - Bartender (well anything (Hed) PE really....
But mostly this from 'Never Been Kissed'

Thanks hun for the joy and celebration always welcome on my page!.Im good just happy to be back in the world of Sg.Hope things are good and making the most of the Bristish summer..im giving myself a week before i moan about it being "too hot" haha x
love the dress!!