Hello friends
First of all i'd like to thank all those who supported my last set Gotta Catch me Whole ! -in MR for more than a week now. I must admit that I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of appreciation on it because I don't think it's that bad and Pokemon should be something cool and fun for most of us. Also I came back to SG this last month and it's like I hadn't. I came through difficult events -lost my baby cat and search him everyday during two months in vain + failed at the last step of an admission for an Art school in order to leave Paris- then I travelled a lot so I know that from May to July I wasn't really there :/
So if there's something wrong with my set just let me know (gently pls haha) ! Also I'll post it in the critique thread in order to collect some points of view.
NOW I’ve been tagged by @dmaggot for the HW 3 MOVIES I'VE SEEN WAY TOO MANY TIMES and it reminded me so much times when I was a teenager… I saw those movies alone or not, at least 5 times and it affected me as a person I think. Even now it’s a part of me, it’s crazy how your culture can shape you when you’re young.
Those movies had been importants for more than than one I think. So :
1 Fight Club – David Fincher – starring Edward Notron, Brad Pit, Helena Bonham Carter, Jared Leto - 1999
Davind Fincher’s style is really attractive when you like brainfuck, dark and tortured movies. Shame on me I’VE never read the original book, but my bf says it’s a really good cinematographic adaptation. It was my fav movie from my 13 so 18 I guess..
Since I’ve got a bit « revolutionary » ideas about society I’m necesary interested in all kind of struggle against it. Yes it’s violent but it makes things intense. Edward Notron, Brad Pit and Helena Bonham Carter are so nice and all those roles are so strongs. I liked their careless way of being.
Also even if it seems so cliché now I loved the end so much like « let’s love each other while watching the world explode woohoo » hahaha with that Pixie music in background !
2 The Virgin Suicides – Sofia Coppola – starring Kirsten Dunst, Josh Hartnett - 1999 (seems to be a good year for movies!)
OF COURSE all Sofia Coppola’s movies are such a great aesthetic inspiration for a bunch of young girls even now. Like, Tumblr is probably the best proof with this desperated but cute pale youth. (Gosh this is so #whitepeopleproblems )
The music by Air is timeless
And I don’t have words about Kirsten Duns as Lux… Biggest crush ever. No matter how this eyebrow depilation is abusive lol.
Also I laughed so hard when she posted this on Instagram at Suicide Squad’s release.
3 Garden State – Zach Braff – Zach Braff, Nathalie Portman - 2005
I always loved Zach Braff’s absurd humor which is too rare in North American movies (and if you have any absurd movie recomandation tell me !).
This movie is about young adult’s difficult to handle with the modern world and I think that it can speaks to anyone because many points of view are adopted.
Also Nathalie Portman is indredible in her role of weirdo pixie girl. And she’s one of my biggest crush, isn’t she the beautifulest woman in the world ? She can have a natural or fancy look, doesn’t matter !
So now @harmlessmonster @del and @sand , it’s your turn to tell us !
PS : I'm writing a HW Catch Up Blog at the moment, stay in touch it'll be out in a few days.