why am i destined to get involved with, and by that i definately mean schtup, guys that leave, and eveytime i'm all "oh, it's cool i don't even really like this guy too much..." and then out of nowhere they're around just long enough to hook me....i can't take it....i'm doing his fucking laundry for fucks sake. and i'm enjoying it! no one, and i mean no one, domesticates this chiquita banana... he lives miles and miles and miles away from me, like 5 states away, some smaller than others, but none the less a state... i have to keep telling myself that one day i will find a guy that lives workabley close by who will make me want to do laundry.
What's it take to be a diva? Hi, I'm a diva, love me, adore me, do my laundry beeyatch.
Houseboys rule. We need a matching set. I'll call you... answer the phone! I tried to call you the other night but you were prolly asleep, it was like real early in the morning here and stuff.
Haha, I'm trying to do laundry right now, but no sane human being has 1000 articles of clothing, just me.