A club for the horror kids, since there are ever so many of us around. No particular era, genre, or medium. Talk about Lovecraft and Barker, Vincent Price and Tobe Hooper, or Resident Evil and F.E.A.R.
A club for the horror kids, since there are ever so many of us around. No particular era, genre, or medium. Talk about Lovecraft and Barker, Vincent Price and Tobe Hooper, or Resident Evil and F.E.A.R.
This is an open group for hopefuls to connect with SGs, members, and other hopefuls! PLEASE read the "Welcome! Please Read Me!!" thread before posting!
Talk about the itty bitty titties, praise them, glorify them! No spam no drama nuff said! Any questions regarding this group contact moderators @lil_tuffy @nonamenumberfive
PLEASE READ BEFORE APPLYING TO JOIN! JOINING CRITERIA: 1. You must have personal photos of yourself on your page whether it be a profile photo or uploads. 2. You must have an active blog/uploads, ie blogging/posting photos at least once a month minimum. 3. You must actively comment around the …
For real and wanna-be redheads, and those that love or envy us.
For those who love hair...all over. Any questions about posting in this group please contact group owner/moderator @nonamenumberfive
A group to celebrate the beauty of the spotted few. We're not just redheads, not just pale skinned. They come in brown, cinammon, beige, burnt sienna, and caramel shades. Let's discuss, post pics and celebrate the freckled suicide girls and members in our midst! Lovers of freckled skin and those …
This is a place for SUICIDEGIRLS ONLY to post sets up for Member Review. IF YOU ARE NOT A SUICIDEGIRL YET, you can post in the monthly thread in the Hopefuls group.
Talk about sex, relationships, love, and everything related. Please remember to be respectful.