Keeping up appearances.
There's alot of knarliness which is going on within this site right now. It pisses me off, that many of the girls I looked up to aren't what I made them up to be. In turn, allowing me to realize that beauty from the outside is no reflection of what is in the inside.
I've taken about five girls off my favoraites. I think its absolute bullshit that those who are supposed to be protecting the rights of the suicide girls, but most importantly the members, do nothing because they choose to play favoraites.
I didn't know that being a suicide girl entitled you to special privilages.
Fuck that shit, I'm cute as hell, and I'm not a bitch.
Yet it all changes though when you're a suicide girl, no?
This is not in regards to every single one of the girls here, but there are some who act like complete ignorant assholes, because they think they are above it all for having a little bit of pink surrounding their fuckin' comments.
All I have to say is 'fuck alll of your bullshit', and i hope those who indulge themselves within their own mo'fuggin pride, choke on it in the process.

There's alot of knarliness which is going on within this site right now. It pisses me off, that many of the girls I looked up to aren't what I made them up to be. In turn, allowing me to realize that beauty from the outside is no reflection of what is in the inside.
I've taken about five girls off my favoraites. I think its absolute bullshit that those who are supposed to be protecting the rights of the suicide girls, but most importantly the members, do nothing because they choose to play favoraites.
I didn't know that being a suicide girl entitled you to special privilages.
Fuck that shit, I'm cute as hell, and I'm not a bitch.
Yet it all changes though when you're a suicide girl, no?
This is not in regards to every single one of the girls here, but there are some who act like complete ignorant assholes, because they think they are above it all for having a little bit of pink surrounding their fuckin' comments.
All I have to say is 'fuck alll of your bullshit', and i hope those who indulge themselves within their own mo'fuggin pride, choke on it in the process.

Thanks for commenting on my few of my favorite things set!
