i'm writing to you as a biig HUMUNGUS sickooo 
I've been sick for five mo'fuggin days, and yesterday just before I was beginining to get better, and my voice and throat were beginining to actually feel a little bit less yucky, BAM
Last night hits me, and i lose my entire voice, and all my boogers turned GREEN
At least my head doesn't feel congested, My ears took over for them, I feel like I'm on an airplane. 
I'm sure you all wanted to know that, huh?
I've taken much medicina, whichhhh tells you how knarley i'm feeling, because I neveeer eveer take medicine.
ANNND I've hardly been sleeping this last week, because my cold is accompanied by insominia.
Ayye vodka, what a catrastophe..
They tried to send me home early today, but I wouldn't have it, because I have never EVER called out..EXCEPT last week
..I goot soo drunk, last friday night at Studio A, I had the most horrible hang over ever
Mind you, I never drink, and if I do, one alcholic beverage gets me tipsy, annd I apparently had five drinks that night
..The best part of my hang over was having a guy pull over to do his, 'Oye mami, how you doin'' shite on me, and having the saliva accumulate in my mouth. I threw up right in front of him
It was DA BOmb 
So they sent me home, because I threw up soo mo'fuggin much, they weren't too mad, considering I've never called out, even when I've been sick at work. hahahaha
they were a little confused however that I was two year late on the game, considering most people mess up when they begin working, they figured i had just simply pass this stage.
ANND riight after my hangover, I get sick!!
Ahh well <3
Well I hope everyone is having a beautiful day! <3
I have so much homework and sleepytime to do!
I'll update when I've recovered <3<3
Mad love and Aloha,

I've been sick for five mo'fuggin days, and yesterday just before I was beginining to get better, and my voice and throat were beginining to actually feel a little bit less yucky, BAM

I'm sure you all wanted to know that, huh?

I've taken much medicina, whichhhh tells you how knarley i'm feeling, because I neveeer eveer take medicine.
ANNND I've hardly been sleeping this last week, because my cold is accompanied by insominia.

They tried to send me home early today, but I wouldn't have it, because I have never EVER called out..EXCEPT last week

So they sent me home, because I threw up soo mo'fuggin much, they weren't too mad, considering I've never called out, even when I've been sick at work. hahahaha

ANND riight after my hangover, I get sick!!

Ahh well <3
Well I hope everyone is having a beautiful day! <3

I have so much homework and sleepytime to do!
I'll update when I've recovered <3<3

Mad love and Aloha,
ps- feel better!