Well the New Year is just about here. What a great day. Finally got to watch Something Something Darkside, I don't know how many times I have watched Luke train on Dagobah and think it would make a kick ass 80's training montage. Seth delivered once again. I will be home soon also which really rocks my socks off. So there will be new pictures and all kinds of new and exciting stories for which I am known for. Not so much as the stories as just wanting every night to be memorable.
Okay, on to the New Year. Resolutions?? I never tell anybody I have any because I don't end up doing them. The one i have been trying for like the last five years though I might actually try for once. Oh yeah just renewed the ol' account for a year. I am stoked about it for some reason.
Okay, on to the New Year. Resolutions?? I never tell anybody I have any because I don't end up doing them. The one i have been trying for like the last five years though I might actually try for once. Oh yeah just renewed the ol' account for a year. I am stoked about it for some reason.
ps, totally just read your testimonial to me. god, you made my day.