Very sad day today. We had to put Joe to sleep. When we came home he wasnt in his box so we went searching for him, found him out by the hottub. He was sitting under a chair with his mouth covered in blood. He was really weak but he didnt seem to be hurting. We got the carrier and brought him back to the apartment. I sat outside with him in my lap while my husband found an emergency vet. We drove him there with him drooling blood. He had a bunch of things wrong with him, and the only things they could offer was to keep him alive like this with a mouth full of blood and dehydrated. So we chose to put him to sleep. Of course both of us were cryin. we spent time with him before they did it and he was purring, then i knelt down on the ground and he was on the little counter thing, and i put my arm around him and was petting him while she injected the stuff into his IV, he was purring the whole time till he passed away.......

But yeah - like everyone else has said - you guys did a good thing taking care of Joe at the end.
I'm proud to know people with such heart - even if it's "just" via the internet
I tear up just thinking about if that happened to my cat. I would be bawling! I'm kinda close to bawling right now.