One bad night, a good night, now another bad night.. and possible a shitty weekend..
Why dont men get it. Is it really that hard to see I just need him here for me right now. You give up alot when your pregnant (at least i am.. no caffeine, no sweetners, nothing that could be unhealthy, no headache meds, no sinus meds, no going out with my friends) so why cant he give up alittle. Why is going out drinking and "meeting new people" so damn important. Why not have fun by doing stuff with your pregnant wife.. instead of leaving her at home... I mean seriously its only gonna be another 3-4mths left...
Why dont men get it. Is it really that hard to see I just need him here for me right now. You give up alot when your pregnant (at least i am.. no caffeine, no sweetners, nothing that could be unhealthy, no headache meds, no sinus meds, no going out with my friends) so why cant he give up alittle. Why is going out drinking and "meeting new people" so damn important. Why not have fun by doing stuff with your pregnant wife.. instead of leaving her at home... I mean seriously its only gonna be another 3-4mths left...
i hope you are ok