This year is going to be very different for me and my lil family and last night just really showed me how different. First we couldnt figure out what to do for new years eve. With me being pregnant and a 13yr old with us makes it alittle difficult. We could have dropped him off at his mom's but they were planning on hanging out around the apartment and getting wasted so figured he didnt need to see that anymore then he already has. So we spent a good part of the beginning of the night driving around. Oh we did go to a chinese food buffet which was cool.
Then decided we would go see the bonfire. This is going to probably be the last year for it and we hadnt been. it has been a tradition for this community uptown to create a big bonfire out on the neutral ground (The area of land between 2 streets) each year, well this year the authorities stepped in and banned it. But the community fought back but it was run by the fire dept and police. So instead of a homemade wooded structure and everyone bringing their trees out to throw in, this year there were baracades a metal slab on the ground and they controlled how many trees go in at a time....
OK so back to me. I will speed the story up because it long enough already. I started getting nauseated around all the people smoking and just smelling bad so had to go sit down. The fire was awesome and i was feeling better and wanted to get closer so the guys could see. And my husband decided to walk thru the crowd. I thought it was a bad idea but he didnt seem to notice my concern ((usually i dont have a problem with crowds, i actually use to enjoy being in a crowd, no claustrophobia for me)) Until now. I started to panic in the crowd. There were too many smells that were making me nauseated, then the people pushing against us, couldnt see where i was walking. Then we get to the other side and we are stuck in because of a tribal band playing and all the really smelly people. I finally pushed my was into a group of people and got out leaving my husband and the 13 yr old behind. They caught up with me, by that time i was ready to cry and i just wanted to go home.
we stopped on the way home and got cheese sticks and chicken tenders and watched some of dick clarks new year eve special on tv. that made me feel alot better.... so i think less crowds for me at least for now..

This year is going to be very different for me and my lil family and last night just really showed me how different. First we couldnt figure out what to do for new years eve. With me being pregnant and a 13yr old with us makes it alittle difficult. We could have dropped him off at his mom's but they were planning on hanging out around the apartment and getting wasted so figured he didnt need to see that anymore then he already has. So we spent a good part of the beginning of the night driving around. Oh we did go to a chinese food buffet which was cool.
Then decided we would go see the bonfire. This is going to probably be the last year for it and we hadnt been. it has been a tradition for this community uptown to create a big bonfire out on the neutral ground (The area of land between 2 streets) each year, well this year the authorities stepped in and banned it. But the community fought back but it was run by the fire dept and police. So instead of a homemade wooded structure and everyone bringing their trees out to throw in, this year there were baracades a metal slab on the ground and they controlled how many trees go in at a time....
OK so back to me. I will speed the story up because it long enough already. I started getting nauseated around all the people smoking and just smelling bad so had to go sit down. The fire was awesome and i was feeling better and wanted to get closer so the guys could see. And my husband decided to walk thru the crowd. I thought it was a bad idea but he didnt seem to notice my concern ((usually i dont have a problem with crowds, i actually use to enjoy being in a crowd, no claustrophobia for me)) Until now. I started to panic in the crowd. There were too many smells that were making me nauseated, then the people pushing against us, couldnt see where i was walking. Then we get to the other side and we are stuck in because of a tribal band playing and all the really smelly people. I finally pushed my was into a group of people and got out leaving my husband and the 13 yr old behind. They caught up with me, by that time i was ready to cry and i just wanted to go home.
we stopped on the way home and got cheese sticks and chicken tenders and watched some of dick clarks new year eve special on tv. that made me feel alot better.... so i think less crowds for me at least for now..

Happy Merry!