Last night made up for my birthday. I had so much fun hanging out with my lis sis. Me, my husband, her and her husband all went out to a club to see a band called bag of doughnuts. We ended up drivin an hour away to this club in Bogalusa (and with a town called that you know its gotta be humerous) It was an 18 and up club, and half the guys in there had on their stripped polo shirts with there collars popped. A few even had the Gotti hairdo, you know the one where they look like they just stuck their finger in a light socket. It really was funny. It was so nice hanging out with my sister again, she is defintely the one person i can be really silly with other than daniel :o)
We stared out till they were about to close the club, then we went to waffle house, then back to my sister's house and ended up staying there till 4:30 in the morning talking. I cant wait to start hanging out with them more. :o) I have the best little sister in the world
And also i guess I should say how great my lil bro and best friend are too. They were suppose to be just stopping in friday to check in with me and tell me happy birthday but when they saw how things were going they totally blew off the rest of their plans to hang out with me. My lil bro ignored his upset girlfriend to stay out with me. My best friend had been out in a boat all day drinking and was so tired but still hung out all night with me. My cousin and his wife even called in sick to a party they were suppose to be going to just to come hang out wtih us. my lil bro even drove me around and bought my drinks.
Now today we are hanging out in the house cleaning up. My sexy husband just made me a frozen strawberry drink with real strawberries in it. Now he is making these nacho type things that smell awesome, and taste even better.. ((and Mary J and Lil Kim is on the radio)) This is almost perfect
Im feeling much better, thanks for everyone that was worried about me
I love you all
We stared out till they were about to close the club, then we went to waffle house, then back to my sister's house and ended up staying there till 4:30 in the morning talking. I cant wait to start hanging out with them more. :o) I have the best little sister in the world
And also i guess I should say how great my lil bro and best friend are too. They were suppose to be just stopping in friday to check in with me and tell me happy birthday but when they saw how things were going they totally blew off the rest of their plans to hang out with me. My lil bro ignored his upset girlfriend to stay out with me. My best friend had been out in a boat all day drinking and was so tired but still hung out all night with me. My cousin and his wife even called in sick to a party they were suppose to be going to just to come hang out wtih us. my lil bro even drove me around and bought my drinks.
Now today we are hanging out in the house cleaning up. My sexy husband just made me a frozen strawberry drink with real strawberries in it. Now he is making these nacho type things that smell awesome, and taste even better.. ((and Mary J and Lil Kim is on the radio)) This is almost perfect

Im feeling much better, thanks for everyone that was worried about me

i am glad you're happier
Thank you so much for lending an ear. I was actually thinking of visiting you guys sometime in the near future. I just need to get out of LA for a while I think. Too much pain to deal with right now.
Hope you are doing well lovely