i knew things were going too well and i was being too happy...
my family is acting up again. A few of yall have heard about my aunt who is a total unfit mother with no kinda parenting senses at all. Well she got the crap beat out of her last night with a crowbar by a guy she knows (not sure if it was the boyfriend or a drug dealer or what... im sure there is more to the story then the guy she was living with just flipped out) but anyway.. the bad part is that the guy woke up her 13 yr old son and forced him to watch as this was being done. My cousins (her 2 daughters 23 and 19) called my mom cryin that she needs a place to live. My mom is her big sister, but my mom cant take this anymore she has taken her in to many times for my aunt to just walk all over her, she cant do it again. So my cousins are pissed but they were gonna be stupid enough to leave the lil brother there with her. We have all offered to take the boy but the mom wants to keep him with her (he is her meal ticket if she doesnt have him no one feels for her)
im waiting for them to call me now so i can go check on her since she refussed to go to the hospital and hopefully take the boy with me. If she doesnt let me take her then there really will be drama and threats of calls being placed to child protective services. Ive been threatening this for years now but i was all the way in california an had no support now i think i will have a few people on my side. Im willing to change my life around to take him in and do whatever needs to be done if it comes to that. I just cant sit by and wait for her to get him killed for her stupidity.
here they are the 19yr old kim, alex, and the 23yr old ashley

my family is acting up again. A few of yall have heard about my aunt who is a total unfit mother with no kinda parenting senses at all. Well she got the crap beat out of her last night with a crowbar by a guy she knows (not sure if it was the boyfriend or a drug dealer or what... im sure there is more to the story then the guy she was living with just flipped out) but anyway.. the bad part is that the guy woke up her 13 yr old son and forced him to watch as this was being done. My cousins (her 2 daughters 23 and 19) called my mom cryin that she needs a place to live. My mom is her big sister, but my mom cant take this anymore she has taken her in to many times for my aunt to just walk all over her, she cant do it again. So my cousins are pissed but they were gonna be stupid enough to leave the lil brother there with her. We have all offered to take the boy but the mom wants to keep him with her (he is her meal ticket if she doesnt have him no one feels for her)
im waiting for them to call me now so i can go check on her since she refussed to go to the hospital and hopefully take the boy with me. If she doesnt let me take her then there really will be drama and threats of calls being placed to child protective services. Ive been threatening this for years now but i was all the way in california an had no support now i think i will have a few people on my side. Im willing to change my life around to take him in and do whatever needs to be done if it comes to that. I just cant sit by and wait for her to get him killed for her stupidity.
here they are the 19yr old kim, alex, and the 23yr old ashley

Hey, well I think that's a great idea that you're gonna try and take him in. Your right he shouldn't be in that kind of environment, especially if it threatens his safety. For his sake I hope his mom works with you not against. And it's great that he has someone like you who wants to keep him safe. I hope it all works out. Especially because of him. He doesn't deserve that.
Well at least you will be able to find your cats in the dark, LOL. Spooky.......